The expression Gay-Lussac's law is used for each of the two relationships named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and which concern the properties of gases, though it is more usually applied to his law of combining volumes, the first listed here. One law relates to volumes before and after a chemical reaction while the other concerns the pressure and temperature relationship for a sample of gas.

Law of combining volumes

File:Law of combining volumes.svg
Under STP, a reaction between three cubic meters of hydrogen gas and one cubic meter of nitrogen gas will produce circa two cubic meters of ammonia

The law of combining volumes states that, when gases react together to form other gases, and all volumes are measured at the same temperature and pressure:

The ratio between the volumes of the reactant gases and the products can be expressed in simple whole numbers.

For example, Gay-Lussac found that 2 volumes of Hydrogen and 1 volume of Oxygen would react to form 2 volume of gaseous water. In addition to Gay-Lussac's results, Amedeo Avogadro theorized that, at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gas contain equal numbers of molecules (Avogadro's law). This hypothesis meant that the previously stated result

2 volumes of Hydrogen + 1 volume of Oxygen = 2 volumes of gaseous water

could also be expressed as

2 molecules of Hydrogen + 1 molecule of Oxygen = 2 molecules of water.

The law of combining gases was published by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in 1808.[1] Avogadro's hypothesis, however, was not initially accepted by chemists until the Italian chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro was able to convince the First International Chemical Congress in 1860.[2]

Pressure-temperature law

Gay-Lussac's name is also associated in physics with another gas law, the so-called pressure law, which states that:

The pressure of a gas of fixed mass and fixed volume is directly proportional to the gas' absolute temperature.

Simply put, if a gas' temperature increases then so does its pressure, if the mass and volume of the gas are held constant. The law has a particularly simple mathematical form if the temperature is measured on an absolute scale, such as in kelvins. The law can then be expressed mathematically as:

\[{P}\propto{T}\] or \[\frac{P}{T}=k\]


P is the pressure of the gas (measured in ATM).
T is the temperature of the gas (measured in Kelvin).
k is a constant.

This law holds true because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of a substance; as the kinetic energy of a gas increases, its particles collide with the container walls more rapidly, thereby exerting increased pressure.

For comparing the same substance under two different sets of conditions, the law can be written as:

\[\frac{P_1}{T_1}=\frac{P_2}{T_2} \qquad \mathrm{or} \qquad {P_1}{T_2}={P_2}{T_1}.\]

Amontons' Law of Pressure-Temperature: The pressure law described above should actually be attributed to Guillaume Amontons, who, between 1700 and 1702[3][4], discovered that the pressure of a fixed mass of gas kept at a constant volume is proportional to the temperature. Amontons discovered this while building an "air thermometer". Calling it Gay-Lussac's law is simply incorrect as Gay-Lussac investigated the relationship between volume and temperature (i.e. Charles' Law), not pressure and temperature.

Charles' Law was also known as the Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac, because Gay-Lussac published it in 1802 using much of Charles's unpublished data from 1787. However, in recent years the term has fallen out of favor, and Gay-Lussac's name is now generally associated with the law of combining volumes. Amontons' Law, Charles' Law, and Boyle's law form the combined gas law. The three gas laws in combination with Avogadro's Law can be generalized by the ideal gas law.

See also


  2. Hartley, Harold (1966). "Stanislao Cannizzaro, F.R.S. (1826 – 1910) and the First International Chemical Conference at Karlsruhe". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 21: 56–63. doi:10.1098/rsnr.1966.0006.
  3. Barnett, Martin K. (Aug 1941), "A brief history of thermometry", Journal of Chemical Education 18 (8): 358, Bibcode 1941JChEd..18..358B, doi:10.1021/ed018p358. Extract.

Further reading

  • Script error
  • Script error
  • Script error

ar:قانون جاي-لوساك

be:Закон Гей-Люсака bg:Закон на Гей-Люсак bs:Gay-Lussacov zakon ca:Llei dels volums de combinació cs:Gay-Lussacův zákon de:Thermische Zustandsgleichung idealer Gase#Gesetz von Gay-Lussac et:Gay-Lussaci seadus el:Νόμος Γκέι-Λουσάκ es:Ley de Gay-Lussac eu:Gay-Lussacen legea fr:Loi de Gay-Lussac ga:Dlí Gay-Lussac gd:Lagh Gay-Lussac gl:Lei de Gay-Lussac hr:Gay-Lussacov zakon id:Hukum Gay-Lussac is:Lögmál Gay-Lussac it:Legge dei volumi di combinazione he:חוק גה-ליסאק hu:Gay-Lussac-törvény ml:ഗേ-ലുസാക് നിയമം pl:Prawo stosunków objętościowych pt:Lei de Gay-Lussac ru:Закон Гей-Люссака si:‍ගේලුසැක් නියමය sk:Zákon objemových zlučovacích pomerov sl:Gay-Lussacov zakon sr:Геј-Лисаков закон fi:Gay-Lussacin laki sv:Gay-Lussacs lag tr:Gay-Lussac yasası uk:Закон Гей-Люссака vi:Định luật Gay-Lussac 2 zh:盖-吕萨克定律 par-sci21