Meters above sea Level is a standard metric measurement of the elevation of a location in reference to historic mean sea level; the determination of what actually constitutes mean sea level over time however, may be determined by other parameters, such as the effects of climate history and climate change, and may have differed in the past, as well as in the future, from that established by historic, modern, documented elevations.


Meters above sea level is the standard measurement of the elevation or altitude of:

How determined

The elevation or altitude in Meters above sea level of any location, object, or point, can be determined in a number of ways. The most common include:

Other measurement systems

feet above sea level is the most common analogue for meters above sea level in the American measurement system.


Meters above sea level is sometimes abbreviated as m.a.s.l.[1] or m.s.l.[2]


  1. Script error
  2. "Meters above Sea Level - What does MSL stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by The Free Online Dictionary.". Retrieved 2007-05-06.
sv:Meter över havet