
Quickflange - a truly innovative approach to piping maintenance, repair and construction activities. Dispensing with hot work, in favour of a safe, repeatable, reliable connection system based on standard ASME flanges and simple hydraulic tools which suit all pipe materials. Save time, money and risk in on and offshore environments.


UBC, Concorde House Trinity Park
Birmingham, B37 7UQ
United Kingdom
Phone: 44 7971499254


Name: Quickflange
Description: A patented flange modified from standard ASME flanges to allow simple, quick installation without welding.
Available in a range of pipe materials and sizes up to 12" 900#, Quickflange is widely used on offshore platforms and on-shore in the refining and petrochemical market as a convenient and cost-saving replacement for welding. Using Quickflange for brownfield opertations allows more work to be done on piping systems outside of shutdown altogether, or for shutdowns to be far more productive, with fewer personnel and less time dedicated to welded repairs and tie-ins. Approved as a permanent equivalent altervative to a weld, Quickflange does not represent a technical compromise, but instead a far safer, more convenient, modern, high-integrity means to the same end. With a history of approaching 3000 installations in demanding offshore applications, Quickflange is proven for use in situations where welding is dangerous, impractical, too time consuming or simply demanding too much dedicated resource.

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Quickflange AS